It's okay to take a break: 5 valuable lessons from my social media detox

“Take a break” hand lettering and digital illustration with florals and coffee. Created by Chicago freelance artist and illustrator.

When was the last time you took a break? 

Have you been feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply burnt out lately?

Does your to-do list feel like it’s never ending, no matter what you do?

Are the creative ideas just not flowing the same as they used to? 

This is a friendly reminder to take a break. ☕️ Because you deserve it. ❤️

I’ve been struggling with being flexible with the work / life / parenting changes the pandemic has brought this year, and it ultimately led to burnout. 🥵

I ended up taking a three week break from social media and work, and here’s some lessons learned:

1. Take as long of a break as you need

It could be as short as a coffee break or as long as a few weeks or months. However long you need it to be, there’s no shame in the time.

2. It’s okay to disconnect from social media 

Social media is a great place to connect with community and find inspiration, but it can be draining when you’re already feeling burnt out. Disconnecting can do wonders to your mental health and creativity. It’ll still be there when you come back (after all, your mental health is more important than the algorithm 😉).

3. Reset and rescale goals if you need to

It doesn’t mean you’re “failing” or “falling behind.” This was the biggest struggle for me as I had a few goals set for this summer. BUT, it just means that the timeline will look a little different. You haven’t given up on your goals. They will simply be achieved later. 🤗

4. You can’t pour from an empty cup 

Self care is so important yet easy to forget or ignore. It’s okay to take time for yourself to do something you would enjoy, like reading a book, enjoying a nice show, laughing with friends, and spending more time outside. This really helped me overcome my creative slump. Do whatever you can to refill your cup. ❤️

5. Take care of your body 

I often neglect this when I get busy. It’s amazing what a bit of healthy food, exercise, water and more sleep can do to improve your energy and mood! 🤩 

Schedule your break today ☕️

We all deserve to take breaks from time to time. I hope you can take a break soon. ❤️ If you end up printing the artwork, feel free to share and tag me on Instagram (@belindaskou) so I can see!

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